Trinity 2024: Together We Build Capital Campaign
Trinity is proud to present three years of the Church and School’s planning efforts with our first Capital Campaign in over a decade, Trinity 2024: Together We Build. The Campaign goal and projects have been designed to create a more functional and attractive campus for Trinity that will ultimately build a more vital community for the future. Church and School leadership is committed to meeting the Campaign goal together, as one unified community, to provide the best possible integration of facilities and resources for the entire campus.
The capital projects are urgent, practical, and functional. The funds raised will go towards much-needed church repairs; allow expansion of Godly play formation and small-group meeting spaces; create a community space for large group gatherings for both the Church and School; encourage athletic growth and stability with a new turf field, and offer the opportunity to nurture and grow children from the age of infancy to adolescence with a new nursery program. This campaign will also create a permanent endowment to support ongoing campus maintenance and upkeep, providing a legacy for the future.
Overall Campaign Goal: $13 million
Trinity’s Capital Campaign encompasses seven distinct, but related, capital projects. These initiatives comprise the first phase of a multi-phase Campus Master Plan, designed by the noted local architectural firm Trapolin-Peer. The projects outlined below have been selected for inclusion in this campaign based on their high priority in preparing a foundational space for current and new programs, their importance in attracting families to both the Church and School, and their place in the sequencing of future campus renovations and additions.
At its core, the work of Trinity is to build: to build faith and to further the kingdom of God, to build young people of moral integrity and exceptional competence, to build a community of support and care. Together, the church and school are committed to the holy and difficult work of empowering and equipping people, young and old, to make a positive difference in the world.
Abbie Sumners, Capital Campaign Director
Trinity Episcopal Church and School
1329 Jackson Avenue; New Orleans, LA 70130
Direct: 504.670.2522 | Cell: 256.276.0765